By Johan, on April 7th, 2015% So after learning how to go over the forks I plan on doing my own shock maintenance in the future also.
And to do it right a vacuum bleeder is the way to go.
Decided to build my own, had I found this solution before ordering parts I would probably gone that route.
Had already . . . → Read More: Rear Shock Vacuum Bleeder
By Johan, on January 5th, 2015% Have done some work on forks previously including a seal change and breaking apart inner leg to access rebound valve.
But this winter we had 3 sets of forks to change oil and look over, and have 3 KTM Adventure in the garage now and a friend also bought one so getting more invested in . . . → Read More: WP fork leg tips and trix
By Johan, on March 17th, 2014% So after last summers engine failure on the Honda XR 400 I have been working most of the winter and cause of trouble getting parts and some setbacks it has taken a lot longer then I would have like getting it back together.
So when it came to the cam axle the auto decompressor feels . . . → Read More: Honda XR 400 Automatic Decompressor Removal
By Johan, on January 10th, 2014%
So bought this a couple of years ago since I was able to get it at a good price complete with an upper triple clamp for the KTM 950 Adventure.
It was time to give it an oil change.
All clean and ready to work on:
Removed cap and indicator, needed a screwdriver to . . . → Read More: Scotts Steering Damper Oil Change
By Johan, on November 6th, 2013% So a little before leaving for Russia I had to go pick up my dad since the XR 400 had died on him.
Since there was no compression the engine needed to come out, took plenty of pictures to be able to get it back together, especially on the electrical connectors and cable routing:
. . . → Read More: Honda XR 400 Engine Failure Dissasembly
By Johan, on July 21st, 2013% So its now final we have the visas for visiting Russia.
Preparations are well on their way.
Was able to get some gravel riding with some friends during the week …riding is preparation also =)
Regarding the bike I had the issue with crankcase ventilation and had replaced the balancer shaft seal but kept . . . → Read More: Preparations for Russia 2013
By Johan, on July 1st, 2013% And still not getting the riding I was hoping to cause of colds and flus seeming to replace each other.
But this winter while looking over the bike and replacing a cylinder base gasket after starting it up it was not running good at all so carbs were next.
Then relocated the crank case ventilation . . . → Read More: Balancer shaft seal replacement
By Johan, on April 11th, 2013% Been quite busy lately with several different things both motorcycle related and personal.
Looked over the carbs on the KTM 950 Adventure.
Had decided to change some of the O-rings and the vacuum slides since there was a leak when brining it out of hibernation last spring, so ordered some parts and sadly parts arrived . . . → Read More: KTM 950 Adventure Carburetors
By Johan, on February 28th, 2013% Time to check the front cylinder base gasket since the rear had developed a leak.
This time I removed the the engine from the frame.
And once up on the bench and all hoses and starter motor removed cleaning begun. Not much dirt but still some in all the “wrinkles”, ear cleaners are helpful, pipe . . . → Read More: LC8 front cylinder base gasket replacement
By Johan, on February 23rd, 2013% Since it was time to look over the front cylinder, rear had an oil leak a while back.
Wont cover every step of removing the engine just how I managed the last bit getting it out of the frame:
As when changing the rear cylinder base gasket I used our lift hooked up to the . . . → Read More: LC8 Engine removal and engine stand